Neuropath Learning currently offers three online learning programs for elementary schools that can be easily incorporated into existing curriculum. These programs provide stimulus for knowledge application and synthesis, thinking strategies, social emotional development and cognitive growth that are relevant to the child and directly related to the context of the real world. The programs are designed to stimulate development of both left and right hemispheres of the brain in an attempt to create a more balanced and efficient brain. These programs also provide teachers with a tool for formative assessment of 21st century skills as well as academic standards.
Neuropath Learning programs are intended to be used for data-driven-decision-making which make them powerful RTI (response to intervention) tools for educators.
Neuropath Learning programs are:
Early Mind Matters: Special education and early education learning and assessment program. The EMM program assesses both perceptual skills as well as cognitive skills. It screens for visual processing and auditory processing problems as well as testing and training reasoning and thinking abilities.Some basic literacy and math skills are covered by this program but minimal reading skills are required to play the game. What is emphasized is the social/emotional and behavioral development of the child. This multimedia interactive software offers an alternative learning and testing environment for children who may or may not do well with traditional schooling. Student data from this program allows parents, teachers and caregivers to pinpoint with clarity where deficiencies in abilities or understanding may lie. Repeated practice of the weak skills through the use of this program also strengthens these skills. If cognitive weakness is the root of a particular student's learning or reading struggles, then cognitive testing and training is clearly the most promising approach to provide both immediate and long term answers. It is the only choice specifically designed to overcome barriers and unlock potential. EMM targets and strengthens cause/weakness.
Be School Ready: A preschool program designed to prepare children for kindergarten. Children using BSR get both an academic boost and a cognitive boost. Students who enter kindergarten ahead, stay ahead. BSR covers key early literacy and language skills, social skills and provides the child's brain with a broad array of stimuli required for proper development of essential skills. Children are engaged, they learn to focus, listen and attend better as well as build their memory capacity. In short BSR develops the fundamental skills required for efficient learning to occur. BSR is both a learning and assessment program. The early developmental data is important to preschool teachers and parents who often cannot gauge how much a child can do or know simply because they are not capable of taking a written test yet. BSR is entirely reality based with natural images, sounds and real human voices and has no "cartoon" visuals or computer generated audio content.
Knowledge First: This is a three part series of programs suitable for K-3 students, each one more advanced than the last. Students of all abilities can benefit from the Knowledge First. It identifies and corrects learning gaps in poor performing students and takes high performing students to an even higher level. Cognitive and academic exercises provide various problem solving challenges that motivate students to keep pushing the limits of their mind. These effective multimedia games build the parts of the brain involved in decision making, judgement and emotional intelligence. Cognitive capacity, including speed of reasoning, working memory are trained. Application of knowledge is demonstrated in the real world context, showing how it relates to the child. Learning productivity is greatly improved when Knowledge First programs are implemented in schools. Both right brain visual-spatial thinking strategies as well as left brain auditory-sequential thinking strategies are developed in the child brain through the use of this program which leads to better problem solving, critical thinking skills and creativity. Knowledge First covers state and national academic standards in literacy, language and math. It builds the reasoning and logical thinking skills that are required in science and math. KF data shows teachers and schools, a students strengths as well as their weaknesses and provides a comprehensive measurement of their abilities.

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